Hi, I'm Jessica!
I am a Web Developer living in Miami Beach.
Jessica Cotzin
Parkland, Florida
Travel, Art, Creativity, Reading
Hi, my name is Jessica! I'm a freelance writer, web developer and avid traveler. Born and raised in South Florida, I graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Multi-Media Journalism from Florida Atlantic University, and currently reside in Miami Beach. My passions lie in reading great literature and traveling the world, bumping blindly into new and fantastic people and events.
A 9 week immersive boot camp for web development & software engineering that teaches object oriented web development using Ruby and the Ruby on Rails framework, alongside JavaScript, HTML and CSS
City Coorespondent/Miami Gogo This Week Writer. Create and edit city guides for Miami Dade and hotel reviews. Weekly event roudup with "Gogo This Week".
Community Development Coordinator. Currate new partnerships with clients and oversee the customer service department.